Build a MT8870 DTMF Telephone Dial Tone Decoder Circuit Diagram. This is a simple MT8870 DTMF Telephone Dial Tone Decoder Circuit Diagram. In this circuit one common DTMF receiver IC is the Motorola MT8870 that is widely used in electronic communications circuits. The MT8870 isan 18-pin IC. It is used in telephones and a variety of other applications. When a proper output is not obtained in projects using this IC, engineers or technicians need to test this IC separately.
A quick testing of this IC could save a lot of time in research labs and manufacturing industries of communication instruments. Here’s a small and handy tester circuit for the DTMF IC. It can be assembled on a multipurpose PCB with an 18-pin IC base. One can also test the IC on a simple breadboard. For optimum working of telephone equipment, the DTMF receiver must be designed to recognize a valid tone pair greater than 40 ms in duration and to accept successive digit tone-pairs that are greater than 40 ms apart.
MT8870 DTMF Telephone Dial Tone Decoder Circuit Diagram